SCFP Heroines of Science
On the 8th March 2013, there will be a short series of talks given by staff and students – Notable female scientists.
There will be refreshments at 12.30 in Chemistry G50. Talks from 12.45 in Chemistry LTG.
All Welcome!
SCFP Heroines of Science
On the 8th March 2013, there will be a short series of talks given by staff and students – Notable female scientists.
There will be refreshments at 12.30 in Chemistry G50. Talks from 12.45 in Chemistry LTG.
All Welcome!
On 28th February, the Chemistry Department Research Colloquium is by Professor Andrew Beeby, Durham University. He will give a talk entitled “An Interesting Twist on Molecular Wires”. It takes place at 15.30pm in Chemistry LTG and will be preceded by refreshments in the Chemistry Foyer at 15.00pm.
Professor Howard Colquhoun from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Reading has been awarded the Macro Group UK Medal for contributions to polymer science.
Please see for further details.
On 21st February, the Chemistry Department Research Colloquium is by Professor Stephen Blundell, Oxford University. He will give a talk entitled “Magnetic engineering with molecular bricks”. It takes place at 15.30pm in Chemistry LTG and will be preceded by refreshments in the Chemistry Foyer at 15.00pm.
On 14th February, the Chemistry Department Research Colloquium is by Professor Scott McLuckey, Purdue University, USA. He will give the RSC Theophilus Redwood Award Lecture “New Chemistries in the Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Bio-molecules”. It takes place at 15.30pm in Chemistry LTG and will be preceded by refreshments in the Chemistry Foyer at 15.00pm.
On 7th February, the Chemistry Department Research Colloquium is by Professor Matteo Zanda, University of Aberdeen. The title of his talk is “18F-Barbiturates as PET tracers for early stage detection of Alzheimer’s Disease”. It takes place at 15.30pm in Chemistry LTG and will be preceded by refreshments in the Chemistry Foyer at 15.00pm.