Library refurbishment works 20 February – 13 March

Image of refurbished University Library surrounded by seating, trees and hedges.Between Monday 20 February and Monday 13 March the majority of refurbishment work will focus on re-cladding the Library’s exterior and will involve drilling – students may wish to use alternative study spaces if they are not comfortable with the noise around the Library.

The following construction work is expected to be carried out around the outside of the Library:

  • Re-cladding the outside: The majority of work will focus on re-cladding the Library’s exterior – these works will involve drilling and so may be noisy. The work will move around all sides of the Library. Students may wish to use alternative study spaces if they are not comfortable with the noise around the Library.
  • Ground works: Ground works will be evident around all sides of the Library.

For details of alternative spaces and the latest project news, please visit our Library refurbishment project page:

Rachel Redrup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator for University Communications

Library study space moves to URS Building

Three femal studetns walk infront of orange building with protruding sturts and undercroft on a sunny dayThe University will shortly be able to offer the URS Building instead of studying in the Library during its major refurbishment. We will be moving furniture and IT equipment from the Library into URS so that students can study in a comfortable and quiet space away from construction works.

What we are doing

  • Studying in URS will be quieter as it is further away from Library building works.
  • The URS Building will be open 24 hours in term (except Saturday night) just like the Library is now.
  • Course Collection will move into URS to maintain full access.
  • Books will remain in the Library and will be borrowed as usual.
  • Although Library staff will be based in URS, they will also run an information service in the Library building to help you find and borrow books there.
  • Using URS means the refurbishment will be finished earlier than originally planned.

838 study spaces (including 145 computers) will move into URS along with Library staff – so there’ll always be someone on hand to help. Cafélibro will also relocate to URS.

All books (excluding the Course Collection) will stay inside the Library and will be available to use and borrow as usual. The Course Collection will move into URS and will continue to be accessible for 24 hours in term-time, as the Library offers now.

As well as providing a quiet and convenient alternative space for students, using the URS Building will mean that the length of the refurbishment programme will be shortened by approximately six months, ending mid 2019 as opposed to late 2019 / early 2020 as originally planned.

The URS Building was vacated in December 2016 in preparation for the building’s own major redevelopment – as the programme is still under revision in light of the URS Building’s grade two listing, the University is now in a position to offer it up as relief space to students. We expect URS to be available until at least August 2018.

RUSU are supportive of the move as it helps provide a suitable environment for work and study in the wake of such a major project. Ben Cooper, RUSU President, said:

“RUSU is committed to campaigning for more study space and better facilities for students on campus. We highlighted that the University must do everything it can to mitigate issues such as noise from the building work and access to books, especially for students currently studying here.

RUSU believes that this move of study space to URS is a good option and will result in less overall problems for students to face. It means that some of the noise problems will be reduced and there will be adequate study space in the busy periods whilst the Library refurbishment is being completed.”

The University is working hard to implement these plans ready for the 2017 Quiet Period. Logistics are still being finalised – we will share final plans as soon as possible. If the move is at risk of affecting the exam period it will be postponed until after exams have finished.

Don’t forget that as well as the URS Building, there are many additional alternative study spaces around campus – a full list is available online and our Free Room Finder helps identify available rooms on a daily basis. For more details of additional study space available on campus, project benefits and the latest news, please visit the Library Refurbishment Project webpage.

Rachel Redrup
for University Communications

Play fair and share!

Male students reading booksHelp make the Library work effectively by respecting everyone’s right to resources and space. Just a minute checking when your Library loans are due back or clearing a desk space for others can help make this term a success for everyone!

Here’s some simple suggestions on how to keep on top of your Library account, save time and money, help your friends and provide a pleasant and productive working environment for all:

  • Return Library items on time, even if the Library is closed – don’t forget you can also post items back to us
  • Ensure nothing is overdue and avoid fines by keeping up to date with your loans online 24/7 through your Enterprise account
  • Print a receipt when borrowing items, as a reminder of when they are due back
  • Check your University email account regularly for Library messages – standard loan items can be recalled from you before the original due date
  • Don’t leave belongings behind to reserve study areas especially in revision time – our Library space is for the benefit of everyone
  • Find a study area with a sound level that suits you – from Group Study Rooms on the 2nd and 4th floors to silent study on the 5th

Check out our ‘Using the Library’ and ‘Policies and Rules’ pages for more information.

Lucy Shott, Library User Services

Find your Library microclimate, roll on refurb

Hot, cold or just right in the Library? Here are some tips for finding your favourite Library environment, how to ask us for local adjustments and most importantly, news of University investment in the system.

Find your microclimate!

Grey desks with purple dividers and lamps beside windows and book shelvesDifferent people prefer different study areas and temperatures.

  • Dislike chills?Avoid sitting right under vents on the 5th Floor which alternately blow warm and cooler air.
  • Like it warm? Try open tables beside warm radiators on our 3rd Floor, north side (illustrated).
  • Like it bright and hot? If the sun is shining, sit on the south Pepper Lane side in the afternoon or the western Whiteknights House side late afternoon/early evening.
  • We recommend wearing layers to the Library so you can adjust to the day’s and each area’s conditions.

Request an adjustment!

  • Windows can be opened on the Library’s 1st to 4th Floors. Reach lower ones yourself or ask for help with high ones, either at a floor Information Desk Monday-Thursday 09:00-17:00 & Friday 10:00-17:00; or the Ground Floor at other times.
  • Heating and air conditioning is controlled remotely by University Estates and Facilities (E&F) according to heat sensor information. If you feel it is not working correctly, please use our new online heating & ventilation form to tell us exactly when and where you had a problem so we can pass it on.

Refurb opportunity

The University acknowledges our 50-year-old Library presents challenges to balancing energy efficiency against contemporary consumer demand. Its vast open spaces, surrounded by aging windows, are still heated with 196os panels plus an ambient air circulation system and radiators in the 1985 extension. A new but separate 5th Floor heat exchange system blows warm air when sensors register 18°C or cool at 24°C.

Forthcoming Library refurbishment will address heating and ventilation systems, window replacement, external cladding and roofing and should improve our environmental credentials by 40%.

Rachel Redrup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator
Robin Hunter, Library Facilities Manager

Post ‘love #UoRLib’ pics for prizes!

Library travel mug, bag, pens, stationery etc on a table

Win one of these goodie bags by sending us your favourite ‘Love #UoRLib’ photo

Show us what you love about your University Library! Send us your favourite Library photo or selfie  on social media by midnight on Sunday 6 November and you could be in with a chance to win one of three Library goodie bag prizes!

Include the tag #UoRLib and either:

Please be aware that by entering the competition you consent to the Library sharing your photographs on our social media channels.

We look forward to seeing you!

Rachel Redrup. Marketing Co-ordiator

Alternative study spaces during Library refurbishment

Image of refurbished University Library surrounded by seating, trees and hedges.Our Library has begun its £40 million transformation into a state-of-the-art centre for learning and development. Key improvements will be the creation of extra space for individual and group study, enhanced borrowing and lending services, better access and building security, and a significant reduction in energy usage and carbon emissions.

We’re taking measures to minimise disruption wherever possible – the Library will stay open for the entire refurbishment project, and all books will remain available inside the building.

Image of red rubber hammer over text

A banner on hoarding around where new lifts are being created

A project of this scale means that noisy works will be unavoidable at times. The loudest phases of work will cease by 10:00am, but there may be times where sound may carry across various parts of the building. Library staff will be able to advise on noisy works on a day-to-day basis

As a precaution, the University has identified alternative areas across our Whiteknights and London Road campuses that should be available during the autumn term for quiet study (subject to teaching timetabling and departmental use).

Do I really need to leave the Library? 

Students studying at tables in front of white hoarding walls with images on

Try alternatives if you can hear noise on the other side of hoarding walls

If you encounter noise inside the Library, there are several things you could try first before choosing to relocate. The University and RUSU advise the following:

  1. Move desks or floors: Many areas within the Library will remain quiet even when work is being carried out. You may find that moving to an area in the opposite direction of noise or to a different floor will be much quieter and easier to work in. Ask our Library staff for recommendations on where to go.
  2. Close any nearby windows: Work taking place on another floor may sound much closer if windows are left open – something as simple as closing a window can make a huge difference to how far sound travels.
  3. Take a break: Use noisy outbursts as an opportunity to take a break – you may find that noisy work has stopped by the time you return to your studies. Being hungry or thirsty can also affect your concentration, making you more susceptible to distractions – grab a snack and take a few minutes out!
  4. Adjust your study routine: Altering the time you use the Library to study may make a difference too. Instead of visiting during the afternoon for instance, why not alter your routine so that you use the Library in the evening instead?

Try experimenting with different tactics first before choosing to study in an alternative location – relatively small changes can make a real difference to your study experience.

List of alternative spaces

A list of alternative space has been prepared to highlight rooms available for quiet study.  Please check details given alongside each room in case any conditions apply. Locations featured on the list can be checked against our Whiteknights and London Road campus maps.

You may also find our live list of available PCS helpful in choosing where to study.

Introducing Study@TOB2

Brought to you in conjunction with RUSU, The Study@TOB2 is a brand new area created within the converted music practice rooms in TOB 2, Earley Gate.

The Study@TOB2 provides an additional 64 spaces for individual and group study. The study area includes a printer, full Wi-Fi and plenty of plugs for laptops. The study area is very convenient for students based at Bridges and Wessex Halls, as well as those studying in TOBs 1 and 2, Harry Pitt, Agriculture, Psychology and Meteorology. Access is open to all registered students holding a campus card.

Please see RUSU’s guide to The Study@TOB2 for further details.

Don’t forget that in addition to The Study@TOB2 RUSU also provide extra space at The Study, which is situated behind the Students’ Union building near Car Park 4.

Free Room Finder

Need to find a room quickly? UoR has created Free Room Finder, a handy website that provides details of rooms suitable for quiet study available for immediate use by students for ad-hoc study activities. Simply choose the area of campus you wish to search in and let the finder do the rest.

Treatment of spaces

We are sure you already do this, but if you choose to use another part of the University for your studies, please be sure to treat each space with respect.

Spaces within each building will be available on a first-come first-served basis; however, priority will be given to students wanting to use alternative study space within their subject-area building. So, for example, a Classics student will have priority over a Biological Sciences student wanting to use a Classics space within the HumSS building on a particularly busy day.

As the autumn term is underway, don’t forget that some of these areas may be used for teaching or other departmental needs at certain times.

Please read our Classroom Rules before using any of the rooms suggested.

If you encounter problems when using any of the alternative study spaces you may report these to the Library at who will refer the issue on to the School/Department or other manager of the space.

Further information on our Library refurbishment project

… can be found at

Rachel Redrup, Marketing Co-ordinator for
UoR Communications

Library Refurbishment works 15-21 August

Image of refurbished University Library surrounded by seating, trees and hedges.

Revised impression of the refurbished University Library

Early works for the Library refurbishment continue over the course of the week 15-21 August. Following on from last week, the majority of activity will focus on the erection of hoardings inside and outside the Library, and preparations for the demolition of the glassed-in staircase near CaféLibro.

  • External hoardings continue to be set up around the outside of the Library, and are due to be complete by September.
  • Inside the Library, internal hoardings continue to be set up between the Ground and 4th Floors.
  • CafeLibro remains open for business as usual despite a few noticeable changes to the café area. Hoardings will be erected within the café, and the vending machines and fridges have been moved alongside the café windows.
  • The 2nd Floor group study area remains closed so that hoarding can be erected. Please use group study space on the 4th or Ground Floors.
  • On the Ground floor, hoarding is going up in the entrance hall, around the closed, glass-enclosed stairs, ready for its demolition. The IT and Library catalogue PCs have relocated under the main stairs opposite.

Students and staff are reminded not to enter areas cordoned off for work, such as the 2nd Floor group study area, for their own safety.

The noisiest phases of work will be carried out each morning up until 10:00am.

Contact Library Facilities Manager, Robin Hunter, if you have any queries about the works taking place.

For further information about the refurbishment, please visit

Rachel Redrup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator
with UoR Communications


Ground Floor Group Study Pods unavailable

From Monday 8 August the Group Study Pods on the Ground Floor of the Library will become permanently unavailable as part of the Library Refurbishment Project. Alternative Group Study Pods can currently be found on the 4th Floor and the Group Study Rooms on the Ground Floor remain available. The microfilm and microfiche readers on the Ground Floor of the Library will also be unavailable.

You may have spotted that areas of the Library are cordoned off to allow for building works to commence. These are clearly marked by signage, hazard tape or barriers. Please do not enter any restricted areas as these are now dangerous construction zones. If you need any assistance please speak to staff on the Information Desks.

For more information about the project, see our Library Refurbishment Project webpage or contact the Library’s Facilities Manager, Robin Hunter.


Amy Rippon, Trainee Liaison Librarian for Robin Hunter, Facilities Manager.

1st Floor rooms closed during refurbishment

Image of refurbished University Library surrounded by seating, trees and hedges.

Revised impression of the refurbished University Library. The new entrance and café looks out onto pleasant landscaping. Silver-grey cladding, with regency-gold coloured highlights, increases energy efficiency, weather proofing, and reduces solar glare to the front study spaces

From today, some rooms on the Library’s 1st Floor will be closed to users during the current phase of our Refurbishment Project. This includes two group study rooms (111 and 110) and two PC rooms (109 and 105). However, there are many other group study rooms available on the Ground, 2nd and 4th Floors and other PC rooms elsewhere on the 1st Floor.

For more information about the project, see our Library Refurbishment Project webpage or contact the Library’s Facilities Manager, Robin Hunter.

Rachel Redrup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator
for Robin Hunter, Facilities Manager

Library refurb: preparatory work begins 12 July

Image of refurbished University Library surrounded by seating, trees and hedges.

The refurbished University Library entrance and café will look out onto pleasant landscaping. Silver-grey building cladding, with regency-gold coloured highlights will increase energy efficiency, weather proofing, and reduce solar glare to the front study spaces

We’re getting ready for the latest phase of our significant Library refurbishment! Work taking place over the next few weeks (from Tuesday 12 July 2016) will mostly focus on getting the site prepared for large-scale works happening later this summer. Please be aware that there may be bursts of noisy work during this period. The noisiest work will be restricted to the morning before 10:00. However, your access to the Library, its resources and its staff will be maintained throughout.

Task 1 (from 12 July): The first task is to set up the contractors’ site behind the Library, incorporating the lawn and gardens. You will still be able to enter the Library at the usual front entrance. However, behind the Library the access road will be closed off for the duration of the works and disabled parking bays will be available elsewhere. There are three disabled parking bays in Cedars Hotel Car Park (Car Park 15) and one space opposite the Santander Bank.

Task 2 (from 18 July): Protective hoardings will be erected outside the Library building. More hoardings will go up inside the Library on all floors around the glass-enclosed, south stairs  in preparation for construction of new lifts in this area.  Information Desks may be relocated on the 2nd and 4th Floors but access to all Library stock will be unaffected. CaféLibro service also continues unaffected.

Task 3 (from 25 July): Work will begin on south staircase, which may be noisy at times. You will need to start using bike racks under the overhang of the URS building as those around the Library will be temporarily relocated.

A PowerPoint presentation illustrating each area of work can be downloaded here. This information as a table is here.

Postgraduate students in particular have been alerted to alternative quiet study space on campus they can use this summer, mainly in their own departments.

For more information about the project, see our Library Refurbishment Project webpage or for day-to-day information, contact the Library’s Facilities Manager, Robin Hunter.

Rachel Redup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator



Contractor appointed for Library refurbishment

Artists impression og refurbished library

The University has appointed the award-winning firm, ISG Fit Out Ltd. as the contractor for the Library refurbishment. Our Procurement and Estates & Facilities teams collaborated to select ISG Fit Out as the best contractor for this project, based on their competitive costing, quality assurance and technical suitability. We will now be working with ISG Fit Out to share detailed outlines of the redevelopment, including early works taking place this summer.

This major redevelopment continues the popular refurbishments of the upper Library floors carried out in 2013–2014, and will deliver further benefits and improvements for you. On the Ground and First floors, study space will be increased, security will be improved, an improved service for borrowing and returning books will be put into place and the café space will be extended. Throughout the building, new lifts will be installed to provide better disabled access, additional toilets will be added and energy services (including heating and ventilation) will be optimised.

The Library will remain open and fully operational throughout the redevelopment.

Important information about the project, such as the provision of alternative study space and notice of disruptive works will be shared with you all at the earliest possible time.  See an indicative overview of the project and further details of the redevelopment at Please remember to check back regularly for new project updates here or on the University Library News blog where day-to-day advice will be given to Library users throughout the project.

Rachel Redrup, Library Marketing Co-ordinator

Help stop study-desk hogging!

Library's 'Looking for study space?' card in red and greyThanks for telling us how unfair you think it is when students try to reserve study space by leaving their belongings behind. From Monday 18 April, we are cracking down. Look out for our cards – but we need your help too!

Need study space? Move stuff after an hour!

Have you ever been looking for somewhere to work, seen empty seats, but been put off by unattended property there? You don’t know whether someone has just stepped away for a moment, or deliberately left stuff there during a long lunch, a whole afternoon or even overnight…. No longer!

During the exam revision period, Library staff will place cards on unattended property, noting the time. If the owner does not return within one hour, you are entitled to occupy the study space yourself, carefully putting items to one side for the owner to collect later.

Library staff will support your need for space, so just tell us if the returning student complains.

Don’t leave your stuff beyond an hour

Although you should always keep valuables with you, it’s OK to leave your things on your desk whilst you fetch a book or visit the toilet for instance. However leaving belongings at a study space beyond one hour is unacceptable and deprives others. Leaving things overnight is particularly underhand.

Between midnight and 08:00, staff will remove property left unattended for more than an hour to ‘lost property’ at Library Reception. If not claimed, the next morning it will be taken to Palmer Reception, the centre for all lost property in the University  which is open during exam-time Monday to Friday,  13:00-14:00 only (although other times, 10:00-14:00).

Rachel Redrup, Marketing Co-ordinator for Sue Egleton, Head of Systems and User Services.