Miles Gibson The Counselling and Wellbeing team smiling

In this series ‘Meet Student Services‘ we will be talking to teams throughout Student Services, putting a face to the team name, getting to know them and the services on offer to all students at The University of Reading.

This time let’s meet The Counselling and Wellbeing Team


Miles Gibson – The Counselling and Wellbeing Team

A little more about you:

I have been a counsellor at the university for 15 years. I’ve always worked with young people since qualifying 20 years ago. I really enjoy working in a university environment and being connected to activities in the wider university.

Outside of The University of Reading I run a small farm, growing fruit and once a year at Christmas can be found behind a stall in the Palmer Building at the Free Trade Fair selling my fruit liqueurs.

Tell us about the services your team provides:

We are here to support and guide students who are struggling in their life at university. We may do this through a short course of one-to-one sessions, providing self-help tools or signposting to services within and outside the University.

A tip(s) for students at UoR:

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get everything right! You have time to work things out and the help is here if you need it. It’s normal to feel sad, stressed and lonely sometimes, but if you find that you are struggling to manage important aspects of day to day life, reach out, try not to use avoidance strategies – alcohol, gaming, Netflix!

Get in contact/find out more:

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