Feeling safe on campus over Christmas

Palmer Quad at night

Christmas is nearly here and although The University of Reading will be officially closed from 17:00 on 23rd December 2021, you might be staying on campus over this period. If you are, we have some simple strategies and services to help you continue feeling safe on campus this Christmas:

The University of Reading Security Services – Staying safe and secure

Our friendly and supportive security team are on hand 24/7 (even over Christmas) to maintain a safe and secure environment for students across all University sites.

The team are responsible for security patrols of our campuses, surveillance/ emergency response for all University property, operating a 24-hour control room and extensive CCTV networks.

If you wish to contact the service or need further advice please call security:

  • University Security Team emergency number: 0118 378 6300.
  • University Security Team non-emergency number: 0118 378 7799

For more information, visit our Safety and Security pages.

The MyWay app

The MyWay App is a fantastic app to make sure you feel safe walking across campus.

The app has some super handy features including:

  • Automatic SMS text to an emergency contact to let them know you’re home safe.
  • Sharing location with friends and loved ones who can track your journey with your approval.
  • Motion sensors around campus, the student area and Reading Town Centre to let you know how many others are on roads to keep you informed.
  • Directions with options of walking and public transport

Find out more and download the app.


For cases where you require emergency services (Police, Ambulance, Fire brigade etc.), dial 999 immediately.

Tips for feeling safe on campus

  • Download and use the MyWay app
  • Add security contacts to your phone (contacts above)
  • Use the Chaperon service so security can make sure you are safe
  • Use the main paths on campus all of these are well lit and are covered by CCTV

Support over Christmas

  • Student Space is open every day throughout the Christmas period and has great resources and helplines.
  • Urgent concerns about your mental health? Call the Berkshire NHS Crisis number; they are available 24/7.
  • If you are feeling suicidal or desperate to talk to someone, you can call the Samaritans for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123.
  • PAPYRUS is the national UK charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide and offers a telephone and text service on 0800 068 4141. The service is staffed by trained mental health professionals 10:00 – 22:00 weekdays and 14:00 – 17:00 at the weekend.
  • Your doctor/GP practice. If you are registered with the University Medical practice in Northcourt Avenue, the number is:0118 987 4551. Otherwise, please contact the doctor with whom you are registered.
  • Non-urgent NHS medical help/advice: 111.
  • Emergency services:999.
  • University Security Team emergency number: 0118 378 6300.
  • University Security Team non-emergency number: 0118 378 7799 or securitycontrol@reading.ac.uk.

Remember other than security, University Services will be closed this Christmas period (23rd December 2021 17:00 – 4th January 2022 09:00), and Student Services will be closed from 22nd December (17:00). If you want to find out more about each individual service check out our blog Student Services Over the Festive Period.

We hope you have a happy and healthy Christmas period, see you in 2022!

UoR Student Life

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