Looking after your wellbeing

Pink background, graphic of a heart.

This Mental Health Awareness week, we want to share with you some of the support networks and tools for everyone to use for free.

The Student Wellness Check

The Student Wellness Check is an online tool, similar to the other NHS self-assessment tools that you may have seen before. It asks you to complete a series of questions, answering how you are feeling. From your answers, the check will give you a list of appropriate resources tailored to you and your needs. Any student can complete the questions, and the resources listed at the end can be emailed to your UoR email address at the touch of a button.

The aim of this online self-assessment tool is to allow you to quickly identify what you need and contacts for support.

The resources range from teams inside the University/Student Services (Welfare, Financial, International support, etc.) to trusted resources outside of the University.

The Guidance and Support pages

Your first port of call for university support teams and organisations. Within these pages check out the Resources and external support pages which lists support links specifically for mental health and is regularly updated.

Student Services Reception

0118 378 5555 or email studenthelp@reading.ac.uk 

Contact Student Services for help and support in the following main areas:

  • Immigration and international support
  • Financial support and advice
  • Careers advice
  • Campus Jobs
  • Disability support
  • Counselling and wellbeing

If you have any queries about support arrangements, email studenthelp@reading.ac.uk

The Student Welfare Team

0118 378 4777 / studentwelfare@reading.ac.uk

The Student Welfare team is here to help you with any personal difficulties you may experience during your time at the University.

The team is made up of professional welfare staff who are able to advise you on a wide range of personal and welfare issues that may impact your studies and day-to-day life, including:

  • Settling in and adjusting to University life
  • Crisis support
  • Difficulties with flat/housemates
  • Family or relationship issues
  • Harassment and bullying
  • Drug or alcohol issues
  • If you are a victim of violence (crime/sexual/domestic)
  • Struggling to manage carer responsibilities
  • Concerns about a friend
  • If you don’t know where to go for help

The Counselling & Wellbeing Team

0118 378 4216 / Counselling@reading.ac.uk

The place to come for professional counselling, wellbeing, and mental health support – available free of charge to all University of Reading students.

‘We have a multidisciplinary team of qualified Counsellors, Social Workers, and Mental Health Nurses. We also have Counselling Volunteers. This variety means we can offer a robust service which can respond to student needs more appropriately.’

The Mental Health team specialises in a range of conditions and can advise and support students into the right pathways to NHS or other local support. They also provide direct one-to-one support, and practical skills and guidance to help manage day-to-day life at university. They offer flexible pre-booked appointments.

Life Tools

Life Tools is a programme of online and in-person talks designed by experts to help enhance your student experience. It allows you to be proactive and take control of your learning and development and is designed specially to contribute to your ongoing professional development.

Webinars span a range of topics: ‘Stressed? Learn ways to maintain health’, ‘Increasing motivation’, ‘A good night’s sleep’, ‘Exam prep’ and more.

Report and Support

Report and Support is a joint campaign by the University of Reading and Reading Students’ Union (RSU).

Together we are committed to ensuring an inclusive, supportive and respectful environment for all, as set out in our Student Charter, and believe that any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination is #NeverOk.

You can report any incident involving any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination to the University on the Report and Support webpage.

The Student Financial Support Team

0118 378 5555 / Book an appointment.

The Student Financial support team is available to provide advice and support on money-related matters, whether it’s regarding your tuition fee or maintenance loan, Bursaries and Awards or advice on how we can support you if you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulties.

The International Student Advisory Team

int.adv@reading.ac.uk / immigration@reading.ac.uk /  +44(0)118 378 8038

You are part of a truly international community of more than 5000 international students from over 140 countries. Here you will find a wide range of support, advice and useful contacts to make your time in the UK happy and productive.

The Disability Advisory Service (DAS)

disability@reading.ac.uk or calling 0118 378 4202

The service offers advice and guidance to students with any disability, mental health condition, or specific learning difficulty (SpLD).

We offer support, advice and guidance with:

  • physical disabilities e.g. mobility
  • sensory disabilities e.g. visual impairments
  • mental health difficulties e.g. anxiety
  • medical conditions e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diabetes
  • autism/Asperger Syndrome
  • SpLDs e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia

Support Centres

Ask a Question is the main method for contacting support centres with non-urgent queries.

The Support Centres are your first port of call for all questions, help or advice, providing you with the support you need to be successful in your studies and beyond.

The Centres are staffed by Student Support Coordinators who are able to advise you or point you in the right direction for a range of academic and non-academic issues, including:

  • Module and programme advice
  • Timetable queries
  • Coursework and exams queries
  • Extenuating circumstances
  • Financial support (initial conversation and possible direction to a specialist team)
  • Disability assistance
  • Placements (you will be directed to a Placement Coordinator)
  • Welfare and wellbeing (initial conversation and possible direction to a specialist team)
  • Transfers, suspensions and withdrawals
  • Academic Engagement
  • Appeals and complaints
  • Academic study support

Support for care experienced and estranged students

We are committed to providing fair access, information, advice, guidance and support to Care Leavers, Care Experienced and Estranged students. As one of these students, you may be entitled to additional financial support as well as pre-entry guidance and on-course support.

Student Space

Student Space is here to make it easier for you to find the support that you need during the coronavirus pandemic.

However you’re feeling, help and guidance is available. Explore a range of trusted information, services and tools to help you with the challenges of student life. There are three ways that Student Space is here to help during the pandemic:

  1. Access to dedicated support services for students
  2. Information and advice to help you through the challenges of coronavirus
  3. Helping you find what support is available at your university

RSU Welfare Directory

The RSU Welfare Directory provides contact details for a variety of organisations and support within, and external to, the University of Reading.

24h Student Support Line

We have partnered with Health Assured to offer you a 24/7/365 confidential telephone helpline to support with any personal questions, worries or advice you might need as a student at the University of Reading.

You can call 0800 023 2466 to access the 24hr support helpline.

Every student at the University of Reading also has:

  • Unlimited access to 24/7/365 to this confidential telephone helpline
  • Legal information services including information and signposting for concerns such as landlord and tenant
  • Debt and financial information including access to long term support via Stepchange
  • 24/7 Crisis Assistance Support available
  • Family advice line on topics such as childcare or eldercare
  • Access to the Health & Wellbeing portal
  • Language Line – high quality interpreters and translation services in over 240 languages

Find more information about the Support Line here.

NHS self-help guides

In collaboration with the NHS the University has produced a set of self-help guides for students, they range in topics: Stress, Sexual Health, Anxiety, Food, Abuse, Eating Disorders and more.

The guides talk you through the subject and have a range of organisations to contact for further advice and help.

Helplines and mental health support

  • Urgent concerns about your mental health? Call the Berkshire NHS Crisis number on 0800 129 9999; they are available 24/7.
  • If you are feeling suicidal or desperate to talk to someone, you can call the Samaritans for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123.
  • PAPYRUS is the national UK charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide and offers a telephone and text service on 0800 068 4141. The service is staffed by trained mental health professionals 10am – 10pm weekdays and 2 – 5pm at the weekend.
  • Your doctor/GP practice. If you are registered with the University Medical practice in Northcourt Avenue, the number is:0118 987 4551. Otherwise, please contact the doctor with whom you are registered.
  • Non-urgent NHS medical help/advice: 111
  • Emergency services:999
  • University Security Team emergency number: 0118 378 6300
  • University Security Team non-emergency number: 0118 378 7799 or safety@reading.ac.uk.
  • University of Reading resources

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