A one-day symposium for postgraduate students will be held in the Department on Wednesday 25 January 2012, 11.00am – 7.30pm
This will be the final LUCID networking event. The day will include:
- a review session with Professor James Hartley, Honorary Research Professor, School of Psychology, University of Keele
- a discussion led by participants from Brazilian universities on the challenges in information design in Brazil
- show-and-tell session based on the collections and archives in Typography, led by Professor Michael Twyman
- early evening talk by Dr Christopher Burke on the making of the films produced by the Isotype Institute in the 1940s, followed by the showing of the some of the films
LUCID is a network funded by AHRC and hosted at the University of Reading
This event is open to taught and research postgraduates and is free to attend. For more information contact lucid@reading,ac.uk