12 tips for budding entrepreneurs

Open sign in vintage shop window

Ever thought about being an entrepreneur!?

Perhaps you want to be the next Lord Sugar or Richard Branson?

Open sign in vintage shop window

We asked our amazing CEOs and Founders from the Thrive Mentoring Scheme* for their top tips for students looking to build an empire and they didn’t disappoint!

Here’s what they said…

  1. Be very clear on your business goals.
  2. Complete a business plan, this will give you lots of things to consider and guide you on where you want to go and what you need to do.
  3. Decide on your niche area and what is adjacent to it ready for business growth.
  4. Have a business mentor or coach, preferably someone who has set up a business or works in the area that you want to go into.
  5. Build your business organically and through recommendation.
  6. Work hard and network.
  7. Value yourself and your skillset.
  8. You will inevitably make mistakes and the best thing to do in that case is to learn from it and move on.
  9. Be open-minded and have a ‘growth mindset’.
  10. Things will always take longer and cost more than you originally expect when doing product development.
  11. You will learn a huge amount of patience.
  12. Have fun!


For more top tips and advice from a mentor to help you with career decisions during your second year sign up to Thrive here!

With gratitude to Kathrine Smith and Alex Reip*

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