A computer screen showing the University of Reading Careers Blog.

Every week, our students visit the Careers Blog looking for reassurance, advice and insights into career success. So, if you’re passionate about keeping current University of Reading students up to date with employability news, career prospects, and the future world of work, then you’ve come to the right place.

What’s in it for you?

Whether you’re an employer who wants to build a relationship with Reading students, a knowledgeable careers consultant, a skilled content writer passionate about career advice, or a University of Reading student or alumnus/alumna keen to motivate others by sharing your career journey, we would love to have you contribute to our Careers Blog.

In addition to having your article featured on our blog, with full credit given to post authors, it’ll also appear on our other student channels such as Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, giving you the opportunity to further connect with our students.

Please note: we do not provide payment for services or contributions to the Careers blog. 

Writing for us

To make everyone’s job easier, we’ve created a set of clear guidelines, on the ‘Writing for a Student Audience’ and ‘External Writers’ pages, to help you understand what we’re looking for. Please read through carefully before starting your article, as this includes information relating to the themes we encourage you to write about, our audiences, tone and style, post lengths, and the submission process.

Once you’ve read them, simply get in touch, using the form on the Submit to our Blog page, to check your theme and idea with us. Please include the following information in your message:

  • Tell us who you are, and if applicable, which company you represent
  • Your intended audience from the list in the guidelines
  • What your article will be about, and a draft if available.

Please take some time to review this drop-down as it contains all the necessary information for writing and submitting your guest blog post. Please pay particular attention to our audiences. Please note our blog is for students studying in the UK.