Image of a woman writing on a pad of paper to her right and a laptop on her knee, her head has been cropped out of the image

Reflecting on 2023 and Planning for 2024: Your ‘Ta-Da’ and ‘To Do’ Lists

As you emerge into January, slightly bleary-eyed from a restful break, take a moment to celebrate your victories, big and… Read more Reflecting on 2023 and Planning for 2024: Your ‘Ta-Da’ and ‘To Do’ Lists

A lady steps from a purple circle to a green circle. A larger orange circle is ahead of her.

Kick Start Your Career – how to approach career planning after graduation

We are all different, with distinct circumstances, preferences and ways of looking at the world, so one way to progress… Read more Kick Start Your Career – how to approach career planning after graduation

How to improve your employability as a student

By Ben Dracup, SEO Manager at Minty Digital.   For many students, choosing a university is the first step in… Read more How to improve your employability as a student

Image shows people pointing at a laptop from a bird's eye view

Getting career-ready whilst at university

By Hannah Vernon, Media & Communications at Gradcracker   No matter where you are on your university timeline, there are… Read more Getting career-ready whilst at university

text reads "Gradcracker, where the STEM jobs are"

I’m Entering my Penultimate Year at University…

By Hannah Vernon, Media & Communications at Gradcracker   Get prepared over the summer Before you start your penultimate year,… Read more I’m Entering my Penultimate Year at University…