Why writing skills will benefit you as a working professional

“What career path should I take” and “what skills will improve my professional prospects” were two questions that persisted throughout… Read more Why writing skills will benefit you as a working professional

Volunteering opportunities

My Volunteering Experience with NCIL

Please find another guest post, written by Qaisar Ali, who is a Postgraduate Researcher, within the School of Agriculture, Policy… Read more My Volunteering Experience with NCIL

I’m doing a PhD. How am I employable?

Following on from last week’s article, ‘Academia – Is it for me?’, this week, we will be focusing on how… Read more I’m doing a PhD. How am I employable?

Student studying in the library.

Are you thinking of doing a Master’s – what you need to consider

Near the end of your Bachelor’s degree, one important question you may ask yourself is whether or not you should… Read more Are you thinking of doing a Master’s – what you need to consider