Two students working together.

Top tips from current placement year students

If you are currently applying for placement year opportunities, or you are going to be applying soon, take a look… Read more Top tips from current placement year students

A picture of a group of people working.

My Placement Year as a Student Outcomes Coordinator

My name is Aaliya and I had the opportunity to spend my placement year at the University of Reading as… Read more My Placement Year as a Student Outcomes Coordinator

Placement students

Interested in a professional placement?

As part of your degree at the University of Reading, you may have the chance to complete a professional placement.… Read more Interested in a professional placement?

Person sat opposite an interview panel

Upcoming placement interview? Here are our top tips to help you prepare!

At this time of year, some of you may be attending interviews for a placement year opportunity that you have… Read more Upcoming placement interview? Here are our top tips to help you prepare!

What can I do over the summer to help me prepare for applying to placements?

Are you planning to apply for placement year opportunities in the coming academic year? If so, you may want to… Read more What can I do over the summer to help me prepare for applying to placements?