The Reading Internship Scheme – Dal’s Experience


When you hear the term ‘internship’, what does that mean to you? If you asked me that during my first year of university, I would have given a different answer to the answer I would give now.

To start with, I didn’t really understand the concept of what an ‘internship’ was when I was just starting university. It was an entirely foreign concept to me even if I see it in media. During my second year, I realise that I wanted to develop my employability skills so I looked into my options of how I can gain work experience. At this point, I had part time jobs and other experiences within the university, but I wanted to expand my skillsets in a business setting.

So, I got to applying for internship roles through the Reading Internship Scheme in April. I applied for various roles, some I did not hear back from and others I did not get past the interview stage. A charity organisation that I applied for gave me interview offer back in July and that was my first ever internship that I got via the scheme.



Applying for an internship may seem daunting especially if you don’t have previous experience working in that particular sector or even if that was your first ever job. Which is why I will be sharing some tips I used for my own application.

Writing your application: There are only three questions for you to answer for this year’s RIS application. Your application should include your skills and past experiences. You should also write about why you want to work for that particular employer as well. Points to consider are perhaps their goals for sustainability and their impact on the local community.

Interview: In the interview you may be prepared to talk about yourself and why you may be suited for the role. But one thing that some applicants don’t account for is questions about the company itself. You should always research the role and company that you apply for.

If you don’t understand the question, it is always good to ask to repeat it and answer it as best as you can.

Working: Some of internships range from 4-8 weeks and can be flexible with work hours (part time/full time). Some are also remote; hybrid or in person office work. It’s best to double check your start date and location and make sure you have everything sorted before you start!


These are my tips – I hope this is helpful to some who plans to apply or was unsure of applying to the RIS.

I hope everyone at least tried one of my. Please also see the university’s own page for more information about the Reading Internship Scheme.

Blog contributed by Dal Huai, Careers Ambassador, and final year Law student