More GRASS success!!!

A couple of weeks ago I presented a paper on screen capture, Technology Enhanced Learning and the Teaching Excellence Framework at the British International Studies Association (BISA) annual conference. I called this one ‘TEL: TEF’s Flexible Friend-How digital technology can support high level metric performance in the TEF.’

The 7 hour train journey from Hampshire to Edinburgh and back starting at 5.30 am each day was worth it!

The panel was well attended and the other papers presented in T&L group sessions were great including one on the use of Twitter in lectures by fellow Reading lecturer Mark Shanahan.

The HEA and BISA also, very kindly, awarded me their annual national prize for excellence in teaching. The panel awarded this in part because of my work with screen capture and also for the work I have done disseminating good practice across the HE sector.

So more GRASS success just ahead of project end!!


BISA prize


One thought on “More GRASS success!!!

  1. Congratulations Emma on this much deserved award for teaching excellence. A great success as the project reaches fruition.

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