Student Life: Cerys Rees

It’s August and that means that many students are making plans to begin attending university in the autumn. This is an exciting time, of course, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking as well. We thought we’d share some reflections on beginning university from one of our recent graduates, Cerys Rees, who finished her degree in French in July. Here’s what Cerys has to say:

IMG_18800 (2)After not doing as well as I had hoped in my French A level, I was nervous to begin my studies at the University of Reading. However, at Reading I was given the opportunity to refresh my knowledge of the French language from scratch. This, together with my experience on my Year Abroad allowed me to build my confidence and offered alternative ways of understanding various elements of the course. The lessons that take place in Reading are small and intimate which enables tutors to build a rapport with students and give individual support which I found to be invaluable. The support and opportunities offered to me at the MLES department within the University of Reading gave me a platform from which I was able to excel and eventually led to me finishing amongst the top of my year group in my finals and establishing a position on a PGCE course in the future.

To find out more about studying in the Department of Modern Languages and European Studies at the University of Reading, visit our website. We’d love to meet you in person to speak with you about studying languages: consider scheduling a campus visit, or joining us for an official visit day. And when you’re ready to apply, here’s the information you’ll need.

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