‘Behavioural insights to strengthen immunisation programmes’

Flavia, GTA in pharmacy practice, attended the BISS Summer School 2019

The Wellcome Global Monitor is a worldwide study on how people perceive science and health issues. Results from this study has shown that 79% of people believe in the safety of vaccines while in the UK, this figure drops to 75%. Vaccination is a vital health intervention that saves lives by preventing vaccine preventable diseases. It is also a key strategy in tackling antimicrobial resistance, a global health threat, by reducing the need for antibiotics. Flavia, GTA in pharmacy practice, attended a summer school organised by the University of Erfurt and World Health Organisation in August. The summer school focused on behavioural insights on how to strengthen immunisation programmes by following the Tailoring Immunisation Programmes (TIP) approach. Flavia will give a talk at the Pharmacy school seminar on 3rd Oct 19 to share her learning from the summer school by presenting the core elements of the TIP process to design interventions that can improve vaccination uptake.