A picture of a group of people working.

My Placement Year as a Student Outcomes Coordinator

My name is Aaliya and I had the opportunity to spend my placement year at the University of Reading as… Read more My Placement Year as a Student Outcomes Coordinator

Person sat opposite an interview panel

Disability in the Workplace

Discussing your mental health and/or disability with an employer may seem daunting, and perhaps you’re worried that you may receive… Read more Disability in the Workplace

Multi-coloured hard hats in rows

Tough guy! Can construction ever be inclusive?

“They call it banter.”  “It’s harmless.” “They don’t mean anything by it.” “Just a laugh.” It’s easy to think that… Read more Tough guy! Can construction ever be inclusive?

Blind in business: are you recruitment ready?

Blind in Business supports blind and partially sighted people into work. Are You Recruitment Ready? On December 3rd Blind in… Read more Blind in business: are you recruitment ready?