What is happening?

The New Ways of Working (NWoW) Programme is an ambitious project including a sub-programme to replace all University devices with a standardised, easy to support-and-use, modern and portable device. The project to replace these aligns closely with the University’s strategic aims in terms of new ways of working, and this Programme will work closely with Estates, Health and Safety and HR to ensure consistency across each of these working areas, with a specific focus on digital flexibility and efficient working.

Alongside device replacement, there is an ongoing requirement to manage the entire lifecycle of the University devices, including disposal, maintenance and repair, and security and hardware activities. There are a number of projects and events across the University that also require devices to be set up, maintained and supported.


How will this work?

The Device Lifecycle team is responsible for the successful delivery of the Device Replacement Programme, working closely with colleagues in all schools and functions.

This includes:

  • Help and advice in deciding the most appropriate device and peripherals to request
  • Access to an envisioning centre to look at the devices available and the configuration options
  • A dedicated manager to coordinate every aspect of the project for each function or school
  • A dedicated engagement analyst to ensure support is available throughout the process with logistics and planning
  • A dedicated team of four experienced User Support technicians to supply, configure, install and connect the new device ensuring it has the full functionality of the original
  • A dedicated Teams chat channel for direct and immediate communications regarding any questions relating the project
  • A fully audited delivery process ensuring every agreed expectation has been delivered before customer sign off
  • A environmentally managed disposal process for old devices

DTS are gathering details about current devices and completing the recruitment process for a number of additional positions to support the existing team along with formalising a detailed, efficient and standard process to ensure consistency.


Do I need to do anything yet?

The DTS Device Lifecycle team will be publishing plans for 2022-23 by mid-November.