Image showing a computer with the words device lifecycle printed across the middle. An arrow encircles the computer to represent a circular process.The first six months

The Device Lifecycle team has been working with departments across the University since December 2022. In this time we have delivered and set up new Surface 5 laptops for over 350 staff members.

“My teams are thrilled as Toshibas and Pros/Gos were driving them mad. We didn’t have the budget for replacements – so thank you!”

We anticipate that as more and more areas across campus are set up to accommodate Surface devices, demand will continue to be high among staff members who decide to switch their desktops and older laptops to the standard laptop.

“I was very reluctant to lose my desktop but the whole experience was excellent and the device works seamlessly as a desktop would.”

Feedback after the first six months

Feedback from colleagues has been overwhelmingly positive, with most calling out the personalised deskside set-up support and the provision of a high specification device to all users as particular highlights.  

“Excellent communication throughout the roll out. Penny explained the process well and desk set ups were carried out smoothly by IT staff.”

Not everyone completed one, but where we received a feedback form from an area following a rollout, we can see what you think of our service:

Bar charts showing initial consultation: 7 marked as excellent and 1 as good, deskside rollout 8 marked as excellent, overall experience 7 marked as excellent and 1 as goodIn every case we have been marked as “Good” or “Excellent”.  

Bar chart of what you found most useful, 7/8 for deskside support, 7/8 for free laptop, 6/8 for being able to contact the team directly, and 5/8 for having all cables and a dock included with the new device.

We also asked what you found most helpful:

  • Deskside 1-2-1 setup support
  • Free high specification laptop
  • Direct contact with the team, without having to go through the Service Desk
  • Docks and monitor cables included

We are enormously pleased with the feedback, which we hope will help secure funding for the next financial year. 

What are we up to now?

In the lead up to the summer break, the team are working to arrange allocation of new devices to staff in several Schools, including PCLS (Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences), School of Literature and Languages, SPEIR (School of Politics, Economics and International Relations), as well as UMASCS (University Museums and Special Collections Services).

The Lifecycle team is fully booked up over the summer vacation, and are now booking appointments in September 2023. 

Over the summer we will be organising purchasing new stock of Surface Laptop 5s, as all our existing devices are allocated.

Further information

If you have any questions or need any advice, please contact the Device Lifecycle team who will be happy to help.