Audio-Visual Teaching Technology Drop-In Sessions

A classroom at university with AV equipment

No need to book!

The DTS (Digital Technology Services) Audio-Visual team are offering staff drop-in sessions to demonstrate how to use various classroom technologies.

These drop-in sessions are aimed at new teaching staff plus existing staff who want to have refresh or closer look at how the AV classroom technology (i.e., microphones, cameras, screens) works. 

When and where:  

Monday 18th September 

12:00 to 13:00 

Room 124, Edith Morley 

Tuesday 19th September 

12:00 to 13:00 

Room 124, Edith Morley 

Wednesday 20th September  

12:00 to 13:00 

Room 124, Edith Morley 

Thursday 21st September 

12:00 to 13:00 

Room 127, Edith Morley 

Friday 22nd September 

12:00 to 13:00 

Room 124, Edith Morley 

What will I learn? 

The rooms chosen are typical teaching classrooms with standard equipment. Technicians will be on hand to demonstrate and show you how to: 

  • Switch on equipment 
  • Perform basic operations, e.g., checking OneDrive, where to find your files, using multiples screens, how to end a session 
  • Use the document camera 
  • Use Microsoft Whiteboard 
  • Check microphone and sounds levels for Yuja Learning Capture (there are separate Yuja software sessions held by TEL, book through UoR Learn) 
  • Use Teams as part of a session, e.g., calling or conferencing 
  • How to get help if something goes wrong with the equipment in a session 

You will also be given the opportunity to try things out for yourself so you can feel comfortable (at least with the technology!) before the start of term. Come along to a session and find out something new! 

Can’t make these sessions? 

If you would like a demo and can’t make any of these sessions, there is limited availability for 1-2-1 sessions by booking through this form. 

Academic Computing Drop-in Sessions for Students and Staff 

The DTS Academic Computing team also offer fortnightly drop-in sessions, where they will be around to offer informal help for all things academic computing related.  If you’re confused by Linux commands, not sure how to access our systems, uncertain how to use them or have any other academic computing related questions, come along to a session!  

Wednesday 13th September  

13:00 to 15:00 

Brian Hoskins GL68 PC Lab 

Wednesday 27th September

Linux basics session 

14:30 to 15:30 

Brian Hoskins GL68 PC Lab 

Thursday 5th October 

11:30 to 12:30 

Brian Hoskins GL68 PC Lab 

Full schedule:

Using Yuja lecture capture software  

Yuja logoThe CQSD Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team run various sessions on learning capture and how to use Yuja software throughout the year. The Essentials webinar covers an overview of how to access the recording software (YuJa) in the classroom or personal devices, how to use it to create video resources to be accessed through Blackboard, and practical advice about how to use YuJa effectively when teaching.  

Please see UoR Learn for TEL Learning Capture sessions and how to book (search for “Learning Capture”).

Contact and further information 

For general IT related questions, the IT Service Desk is your first point of contact.