What are the options for Wi-Fi on campus?

Available Wi-Fi networks on campus, eduroam, UoR-Camps, UoR_IoT and Wifi Guest
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You may (or probably not) have noticed that the options for Wi-Fi on campus have changed. We have tidied up the displayed SSIDs (Wi-Fi network names), and also visitor network connections.

When you open the network settings on your phone or laptop, there are a few networks listed.

Which should I use?

  • Staff: eduroam
  • Registered Students: eduroam
  • Fridges: UoR_IoT (Internet of Things) – a pilot, not in general use
  • Visitors (pre-booked): eduroam
  • Visitors (general): Wifi Guest* (locations here)

*If you are at Greenlands, the guest Wi-Fi is called “Wi-Fi Guest (unlimited)”.

Wi-Fi for staff and students

Eduroam logo

University of Reading staff and students should always use the “eduroam” network connection, as it is a secure network. You can also use eduroam when you are visiting participating institutions who also have an eduroam network.

How to connect to Eduroam

Wi-Fi for Guests

You don’t need to have a University IT account in order to use the University Wi-Fi. There are two guest Wi-Fi networks on campus:

  • Eduroam Visitor Access (EVA): suitable for academic visitors or anyone here on UoR business
  • Sky Guest Wi-Fi: suitable for anyone


Eduroam Visitor Access (EVA)

Wi-Fi network name (SSID) = eduroam

Eduroam is available all around campus. Access to eduroam Wi-Fi can be granted to visitors here for academic purposes for up to 30 days, and must be requested in advance by a staff member. Use the Guest Wi-Fi account form to request this.

Note: In a change to the previous process, log on details will be sent directly to the user and not to the requesting staff member.

Sky Guest Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Network name (SSID) = Wifi Guest

“Wifi Guest” is an unsecured Wi-Fi network run by Sky Business which is available in many public areas of the University, such as cafés and museums, as well as at Greenlands.  We have a list of (most) areas on our Guest Wi-Fi Network page. Sky Guest Wi-Fi can be used by anybody and doesn’t need to be requested in advance.

Further information and contact

Guest Wi-Fi Networks

Eduroam troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Eduroam on macOS

If you have any questions or need any advice, please contact the IT Service Desk.