An autumn series from the Department of English Literature and Department of Modern Languages and European Studies, open to all University members.
Monday 21 October (wk 3)
Dr Erica Brown (English, Sheffield Hallam)
‘Building an archive of popular fiction 1900–50: Sheffield Hallam University’s Readerships and Literary Cultures collection’
Monday 4 November (wk 5)
Dr Nicola Abram (English, Reading)
‘Exploring Black British Women’s Theatre’
(part of Reading’s Black History Month)
Monday 2 December (week 9)
Stefano Bragato (Modern Languages, Reading)
‘How to write a futurist life: the notebooks of F.T. Marinetti between reality and invention’
All events at 5pm in Humss Room 301. All welcome! For further information, contact Dr Nicola Wilson and Dr Alison Martin (