What is happening?

Changing the way we handle collaborative fileshares.

How will this affect me?

This will not affect the way you work day-to-day, as we will ensure any drive letters you currently have mapped are updated for you automatically.

Once the automatic change has taken place, the path for your collab drive will look slightly different;

Before: \\collab.rdg.a.uk\dept-code\share-name

After: \\dfs.rdg.ac.uk\shares\dept-share-name.

Note. Any drive letters you currently have mapped will be updated for you. This means you will still be able to open any documents as you did before the change.

When will the changes happen?

  • We will begin working through the list from the beginning of April.
  • It will take approximately 1 month to complete the work.

We will contact users of each share prior to the change and agree a suitable time. We will also highlight any changes we may need to make to the fileshare names as part of this migration work.

How will I be informed about the changes?

Any users who are affect by this change will receive an e-mail with full details – including proposed dates/times.

What will I need to do?

Immediately after the change has been completed, you will need to reboot your PC in order for the change to take effect.

Why is this change happening?

The current hardware is end of life, and needs to be retired. The new system we are moving to will provide the following additional features;

  1. Improved upload/download speed – x10 faster
  2. Larger storage – Each share will have a minimum quota of 100Gb
  3. Easier access – View all your collab fileshare in one place (for the technical, using dfs). You’ll be able to see all fileshares you have access to by going to dfs.rdg.ac.uk in your filebrowser.
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