We asked our Musical Leaders to interview each other; read on to find out their advice to their younger selves, and the worst thing that has happened on stage!

Name: Lucy

Instruments: Flute

Year: 2nd Year, Undergraduate

Degree: Primary Education with Music Specialism

Music at Reading ensembles:  Jazz Sounds, Festival Sinfonia



7 Questions:

What has been the worst or most memorable thing that has happened during a performance?

During a flute grade exam, the accompanist got lost during one of my pieces.

Who is your musical inspiration?

My A-Level music teacher

What inspires you to perform?

 Music is a great escape from real life.

Which instrument do you wish you had learned?

The oboe!

What musical advice would you give to your younger self?

Do not get braces fitted two months before taking your grade eight exam!

What musical moment are you most proud of?

Using music in primary school lessons to engage young children, and for achieving my grade eight music theory to get into University.

Which three words describe you as a musician?

Enthusiastic, Emotional, Perseverance