The following changes to site licensed software have taken place over the summer vacation:


This has been renewed with ESRI but we are still waiting for licence code updates.  Currently licences are valid until the 31st Aug 2014.


This has been renewed until 31 July 2012.

Microsoft Campus/EES

We have signed up for a new Microsoft Campus/EES agreement.  The new agreement expires on 31 July 2014.  The agreement covers the use of the following software on University owned PCs:

  • Microsoft Windows upgrade
  • Microsoft Office for Windows & Mac
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Professional
  • Microsoft Client Access Licences

Note that FrontPage/Expression Web is no longer covered under the Campus EES agreement so needs to be licensed individually by schools.  FrontPage should be removed from all PCs immediately unless you have received a separate communication from ITS.


Our licence now now includes all implementations.  The licence has been renewed until 31 July 2012.


We have signed up for a new contract from 1 Aug 2011.  The contract will expire on 31 July 2014.

Old licence codes will remain valid until 30 Sept 2011 by which time ITS should have new codes for distribution.


The upgrade to version 10 has been purchased.

Future site licensed software changes


Our licence for eXceed/Maestro expires on 31 July 2014.  Please contact ITS Help if you use this software so that we can determine if the licence needs to be renewed.


For more information on this and all other software supplied by IT Services, go to the Software Table

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