What are the drivers behind the 2023 Device Lifecycle Programme?

Image showing a computer with the words device lifecycle printed across the middle. An arrow encircles the computer to represent a circular process.The 2023 Device Lifecycle Programme is a University directive stemming from the New Ways of Working (NWoW) strategic pathway. In order to support the Smart Working framework, where staff are able to work on campus or at home, the University aims to provide all staff with one portable device to cater for flexible working.

As well as supporting the NWoW strategic pathway, the policy for a single, University-managed device allows for improved and efficient staff technical support in addition to a more robust cyber security model and compliance.

IT security breaches can be extremely costly. Older devices and a diverse range of equipment manufacturers cannot be managed centrally for security patches and software upgrades. Staff IT equipment must be fully managed with up to date software to be compliant with audit and risk standards such as Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO27001.

Finally, aging devices require more frequent maintenance and support, leading to low staff satisfaction with recurring issues such as poor performance and lack of software compatibility.

DTS have been tasked by the University with replacing old and unmanaged devices with new Surface Laptops (or MacBook Air).

What does this mean in practice?

Any staff member who is not currently using a UoR laptop is entitled to receive an upgrade to a Surface Laptop 5 i7 (at no charge to their department).  Current Mac users are entitled to a MacBook Air (at no charge to their department).

These DTS-supplied devices will be replaced at no charge if they become faulty, or at the end of their lifetime.

How can you receive a new laptop?

The Device Lifecycle team works with your entire team or department to co-ordinate the set-up of new devices for all staff members in scope for replacement. Contact the Device Lifecycle team to discuss.

What will be happen to devices which are replaced?

We are working on a new disposal strategy which will focus on reuse, recycling and recouping money for the University.  In addition, any equipment (especially Surface devices which are only a few years old but are no longer fit for the job function) will be reused within the University.

Further information

If you have any questions or need any advice, please contact the Device Lifecycle team who will be happy to help.

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