There is a new journal of Academic Writing it is open access and peer reviewed so readers can access the materials and have confidence in the fact that materials are reviewed.
The first paper caught my attention as it mentioned Digital Literacies:
Parker, J., Academic and Digital Literacies and Writing in the Disciplines: A Common Agenda? Journal of Academic Writing, 2011. 1(1): p. 1-11.
Jan Parker talks of two wings of academic writing research: firstly the text and secondly the author’s processes, technology is seen as offering challenges to both wings:
“…new technologies provides both opportunities and challenges for both wings: those who see writing research as essentially textual and normative and those who look to transformational effects of the process and the developmental possibilities for the writer.”
She cites a number of digital writing projects, including:
“…the University of Reading’s ‘Online Academic Writing Support’ (Furneaux and Taylor);”
Having reviewed the work of many others presented at conferences within the discipline of Academic Writing she concludes that Digital Literacies is a rapidly evolving field. However there are no major recommendations in the paper, however she does identify that there is a need for a common agenda across diciplines.