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Tag Archives: Staff training & development
Getting it right: our new PGCAP
Here in the Centre for Staff Training & Development (CSTD) at Reading we’ve been working for some time behind the scenes to design a new Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) to replace our current programme in 2013-14. The new … Continue reading
… and now for a blog about blogs
Blogs providing a solution for a variety of academic projects. Blogs have been employed for some time within the University by a number of colleagues and more recently these have used as a means of feeding news, events and commentary … Continue reading
Enhancing employability for STEM students through improved understanding of the industrial-commercial context
The Biopharma Skills Consortium (comprising the Universities of Reading, Surrey, Brighton, Kent, Portsmouth, the Open University and the Royal Veterinary College) recently made a successful bid for HE STEM funding to develop resources to improve STEM students’ awareness of the … Continue reading
Developing T&L with the use of technology
Here in the Centre for the Development of T&L we engage with academic staff to help them design their courses and develop their teaching approaches using technology. Apart from working very closely with individuals and teams we deliver a number … Continue reading