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In my job, I often find that sometimes work gets in the way of life, and sometimes life gets in the way of work. What I mean by this is, sometimes IRead More…
In my job, I often find that sometimes work gets in the way of life, and sometimes life gets in the way of work. What I mean by this is, sometimes IRead More…
Vitae, the UK organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes, is running Digital Researcher 2012: an innovative, thought-provoking oneRead More…
As his Executive Assistant, I am responsible for ensuring my Director’s time is used in the most effective way possible. This ranges from trying to plan meetings in the same location onRead More…
The BBC are, once again, championing greater computer literacy ( This is not quite the same as digital literacy, of course, but it does form one (advanced) part of it. If youRead More…
Are you sceptical of what social media can help you achieve as part of your professional development? Unless you’re a celebrity, you may feel that anything you say on a social networkRead More…
The Digitally Ready team recently invited staff and students to a workshop to explore and reflect on their own digital literacies, using a pyramid model developed by Beetham and Sharpe (2008). WeRead More… is the web-portal of the African Climate Exchange project at the UoR Meteorology Department. Afclix is a social networking site, where each member has a profile, can create collaborative projects withRead More…
While shopping on the internet for resources to develop or tropical teaching glasshouse over the past few weeks I began to realise how much a matter of personal taste the website design forRead More…
This is my first ever blog – so readers please be kind! I am research communications manager for the university and keen to raise the profile of the breadth and depth ofRead More…