A suggestion for the improvement of Blackboard from one of our students

… Via a comment on one of the closed Facebook groups I run.

” It’s a shame that Blackboard doesn’t have a calendar tool that gives us a one page screen shot of all module assessment dates.”

I agree – it is a shame!

Perhaps another letter to Santa is needed?

About Alastair Culham

A professional botanist and biologist with an interest in promoting biological knowledge and awareness to all.
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2 Responses to A suggestion for the improvement of Blackboard from one of our students

  1. patparslow says:

    Hi Alastair – that was something I always thought ought to be there too!

    It turns out, there is calendar functionality in BB, and (in theory, at least) the student’s view of it should provide an aggregate of the calendar entries in each of the modules. Experience suggests the weakest point may be around keeping module calendars updated, but of course to be of any use the calendar also needs to be displayed on the portal page for the student to see – and if it is sparsely/wrongly populated, how quickly will it become ignored/annoying?

  2. Hi Pat, I am aware of the little used BB calendar tool. The problem is that it is not populated by dates when set in the assignment tool. To get assessment dates into the calendar tool means retuning them and that an lead to errors. I believe strongly in providing dates in one place unless they are automatically propagated. BB allows dates to be set for assignments – it should be simple to link those dates to the BB slender – surely?

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