The Digitally Ready team recently invited staff and students to a workshop to explore and reflect on their own digital literacies, using a pyramid model developed by Beetham and Sharpe (2008). We asked people to feedback from their groups and their own personal reflections about access to facilities, their digital skills or lack of them, what they do and don’t do in practice.

Emerging trends suggest that although basic needs are robustly fulfilled – hardware, software and a good network – the overriding message is that most people feel they do not have adequate time to develop and discover how new technologies can be useful and relevant to them. Some people seem unaware of what is currently available and where they can go for help. It was suggested that colleagues who share best practice provide a powerful trigger for others to invest time in personal development.

Finally, we asked people to complete ‘To become more digitally ready I will …’. The collected answers resulted in this word cloud:

Word Cloud showing how people will become more digitally ready

To become more digitally ready I will…

What would you like to explore to become more digitally ready?