The Digitally Ready event was a wonderful chance to meet Blackboard Learn users and to show them how they could access the service through their tablets and smart phones by using the Blackboard Mobile Learn app.  This feature is one that has been available for a while and a number of students have already been asking why they are not able to access Blackboard Learn at Reading through their iPads, iPhones and other devices so we hope to meet this demand very soon.

Demonstrating Mobile Learn

Demonstrating Blackboard Mobile Learn to Richard Mitchell at the ‘Sharing Good Practice’ event.

I was able to demonstrate the mobile-friendly interface using both iPad and iPhone and staff seemed very impressed with the clean, easy-to-use features of Blackboard Mobile Learn.  The plug-in comes with its own Help and Support and gives guidance on best practice for making course materials mobile-friendly.

I had the opportunity to discuss the tools provided with Richard Mitchell who unfortunately does not have a smart phone to take advantage of this feature.  However, I am sure many students will appreciate being able to access Blackboard Learn while ‘on the go’. As highlighted in an article on the BBC News Technology website that was pointed out to me by a colleague last week, ‘Some 45% of people surveyed said they made use of the net while out and about, compared with 31% in 2010. The most rapid growth was among younger people, where 71% of internet-connected 16 to 24-year-olds used mobiles.’

Looks like it’s about time we went mobile!