The Digitally Ready team are delighted to welcome Gunter Saunders, Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Westminster, and Peter Chatterton, Visiting Professor in the Learning and Teaching Institute at the University of Hertfordshire who will be leading a research seminar on ‘Making Assessment Count’ here at Reading on 27 February. The seminar will describe a range of innovations in Assessment & Feedback to meet student demands, illustrated by case studies – and will highlight how these case studies align with principles of good Assessment & Feedback.

Over the last few years, the UK Higher Education sector has undertaken a broad range of innovation and change programmes in relation to assessment and feedback, prompted by growing student demands, increasing availability of technology solutions and funding opportunities from agencies such as the JISC and the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

A growing research and evidence base is leading to the widespread take-up of principles of good Assessment & Feedback. Some institutions are adopting such principles to underpin Assessment & Feedback strategy, institutional dialogue, and as a framework to support programme design and review.

Furthermore, such programmes have resulted in innovation and change in Assessment & Feedback practice, particularly in relation to the use of technology, as well as novel change techniques to support institutions and programme teams in making and embedding changes in practices.

There will be a particular focus in the seminar on assessment criteria including how to write good criteria, how to ensure students understand the criteria, as well as examples of how technologies can enhance the student experience, for example through faster assignment marking and feedback.

The seminar will introduce delegates to the Making Assessment Count (MAC) Framework developed by the University of Westminster. This is a broad framework that supports students and tutors in getting more from feedback and includes the use of a tool called e-Reflect that helps student to strategically reflect on what they did and the feedback received. The MAC Framework has been customised by a number of HE institutions to suit their specific needs and drivers.

The speakers will then introduce a range of change techniques that have been adopted by institutions for introducing and institutionally embedding innovations before leading a discussion on how the University of Reading can address its specific Assessment & Feedback needs.