Monthly Archives: July 2013

Partners in curriculum change: Digitally Ready at the Annual Higher Education Academy Conference, 3-4 July 2013

The theme of this year’s conference was Powerful partnerships: defining the learning experience, with three strands: students as partners; employers as partners; and organisations as partners. The conference was packed with very interesting sessions – so much is going on with … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination | 1 Comment

Digitally Ready ‘Sensors, circuits and sculpture’, Kate Allen (Art) and Nic Hollinworth (Systems Engineering)

Interactive sensory objects made for and by people with learning disabilities, is a three year AHRC funded research project which explores the potential of newly developed easy-to-use electronics in making the experience of members of the user-group more vital and … Continue reading

Posted in Digital community, Research, Small project funding scheme | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Are we ‘Digitally Ready’ yet?

At 10am on Monday the JISC funded Digitally Ready project group, which broadcasts its progress via a blog and Twitter, met for an evaluation of project progress. A new emphasis for future JISC funding is likely to be student engagement … Continue reading

Posted in Digital community, Meetings & Events, Small project funding scheme | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Blogging assignments – comments and experiences part 2: BSc Honors Projects

One of the challenges with undergraduate projects is to give the student experience of publishing their work.  Sometimes a project fits part of a larger research area and the student gets co authorship of a paper.  Three years ago one … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment & Feedback, Digital community, Employability, Research, Staff-student partnerships, Technology in fieldwork | Leave a comment