Author Archives: Kim Shahabudin

About Kim Shahabudin

I'm a member of the university Study Advice team, working directly with students and tutors, and developing self-help resources. I lead in the team on website development and run our official Twitter account. Interested in anything that will help students study more successfully.

Interesting presentation on learning & teaching digital literacies

From Catherine Cronin (@catherinecronin) of the National University of Ireland at Galway, being presented today at EdTech 2012, NUI Maynooth. Brings together lots of framework thinking about what digital literacy is.

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Symposium: Supporting Academic Practice in a Digital Age, 17 May 2012

I recently attended this one day symposium at the University of Exeter, hosted by the JISC-funded Exeter CASCADE Project and the University of Exeter Academic Skills team. Over 80 delegates attended from universities mostly in the South and Midlands. A … Continue reading

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