Author Archives: Top Cat

About Top Cat

I'm currently in the final year of a Zoology undergraduate degree at the University of Reading. Ever the naturalist it has been my desire to embark on a career in research, conservation and science writing. The academic part of my degree is the first step towards this goal but being able to translate science into public consumption is a valuable skill too. For a hopeful science writer this is essential and blogging is thus a great way to improve science communication skills. It has to be said that far flung exotic locations tend to entice the fresh and eager scientist like myself but it is also true that a bounty of natural history sits in our back gardens waiting to be discovered (yes even student house gardens). I hope the blogs express how even the unassuming creatures of Reading deserve more than a footnote...

Digital Literacy: Engaging the Public with Science

My third year research project involved the utilisation of blogs as a platform for science communication. I studied ground spider assemblages on campus with the aim to engage the public with a sometimes misunderstood or mistreated group of organisms. After … Continue reading

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