
Getting it right through the Reading Internship Scheme

Along with my colleague Nina Brooke I was really delighted to have the opportunity to work with a student this summer through the Reading Internship Scheme, funded by the Digitally Ready project. SimonRead More…


Student Communications Internship – Remember to speak to your students!

So here I am, coming towards the end of my fourth week of my Student Communications Internship.  Last time I blogged I spoke about having a lot of questions to answer and,Read More…


Digitally Ready, a retrospective

In October 2011 I drafted a brief description of my digital education interests for this blog (when it was just starting) but didn’t get to the point where I wanted to publishRead More…


Sharing Good Practice – A journey to using Facebook as an educational tool

I’ve been at Reading University for quite a long time now.  Arriving at Reading fresh from my PhD, during which I managed my research data and wrote my thesis using a SinclairRead More…