
Digitally Ready, a retrospective

In October 2011 I drafted a brief description of my digital education interests for this blog (when it was just starting) but didn’t get to the point where I wanted to publishRead More…


Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

The University of Reading is part of a three-year Higher Education Academy (HEA)-funded project considering the use of technology in fieldwork to enhance student learning: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning. The project team, whichRead More…


Placement options at Reading: Silchester and Real Jobs

The second part of my research into digital literacies for student employability has focussed on in-curricular placements here at Reading. Every undergraduate programme now has an embedded placement option. The ‘Skirts’ modelRead More…

The first blog from the new crop of MSc Plant Diversity students appeared today in Whiteknights biodiversity.  It’s a short blog on a gall seen on a creeping thistle.  What is interesting to me is that I haven’t yet trained the students in how to use the blogging system – that’s incorporated into Monday’s teaching.  I have one student at least with some innate digital literacy.