
Getting it right through the Reading Internship Scheme

Along with my colleague Nina Brooke I was really delighted to have the opportunity to work with a student this summer through the Reading Internship Scheme, funded by the Digitally Ready project. SimonRead More…


My success at the Digitally Ready showcase

As you have picked up from the title, the recent Show & TEL event on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ was a success for me! I was excited to find out more about otherRead More…


Moving forward through video feedback

Ever since Neil Morris’ research seminar in November on ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff and students in Higher Education’, his name has been cropping up again and again in my conversationsRead More…


Students like live lectures … and online ones as backup

The University of Reading is part of a JISC-funded project considering museum ethics, display design and object-based research, Object-based Learning for Higher Education (OBL4HE). As part of the project, Rebecca Reynolds, Visiting Lecturer in Museum StudiesRead More…


Placement showcase: Rachel Glover

Subscribers of this blog will have followed the adventures of our placement student, the fabulous Rachel Glover, who has been working with us since June on the student employability aspects of theRead More…