Digital Literacies Student Workshop (This pdf file contains details and an evaluation of the workshops run by Pat Parslow as part of the project)

The workshop is designed to introduce the notion of Digital Literacies and reflective practice, and provide learners with the opportunity to start to develop their reflection skills, as well as assess some aspects of their Digital Literacies.  It is an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of digital skills and behaviours, as well as developing reflective practice which is a key skill for self-directed life-long learning.

Duration 1:40 (nominal)

Learning goals:

  • Understand need for continuous improvement of digital literacies
  • Recognise importance of self assessment
  • Understand the Pirate Model of learning (AAAAR!)
  • Understand importance of Digital Literacies for Employability


  • Introduction, covering definitions and employability aspects (10 mins)
  • Brief Self-assessment exercise (10 mins)
  • Introduction to online wiki self-assessment tool and Passport systems – walkthrough (20 mins)
  • Opportunity to access online wiki self-assessment tool and give feedback (20 mins + 10 mins for leg stretching!)
  • Questions/Discussion regarding online tools for assessment (10 mins)
  • Pirate model & Reflective practice (20 mins)
  • Questions/Discussion (10 mins)

Bring Your Own Device!  If at all possible, bring a web-enabled device with you.  If you blog/tweet, please use #UoRDigLit hash tag, and feel free to ‘live blog’ or use social media as a back channel for discussion. 

And it has a Pirate Model of learning… Assess, Analyse, Acquire, Articulate, Reflect – AAAAR!!

More information  about the workshop.