Tag Archives: Department of Typography & Graphic Communication

Progress with Digitally Ready: top down, bottom up

Last week, we invited our colleagues here at Reading for a lunchtime Show & TEL on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ – a chance to find out more about some of our digital initiatives on the ground, as well as the … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Meetings & Events, Small project funding scheme | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready

Digitally Ready requests the pleasure of your company at our lunchtime ‘Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready’ on 1 March, 12.30–2.00 here at Reading. This session is open to all Reading staff with an interest in using digital technologies in … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Meetings & Events, Small project funding scheme | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

From paper (lots of it) to pixels

A distinguishing feature of the BA programme in Typography are the professional assignments we run with external clients – our Real Jobs scheme. These ‘in-house placements’ allow inexperienced students to deal with professional work in a staged and supervised way, … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment & Feedback, Dissemination, Employability, Small project funding scheme, Staff-student partnerships, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Placement options at Reading: Silchester and Real Jobs

The second part of my research into digital literacies for student employability has focussed on in-curricular placements here at Reading. Every undergraduate programme now has an embedded placement option. The ‘Skirts’ model includes maxi, mini and micro placements. A maxi … Continue reading

Posted in Digital Heroes, Employability, Research, Technology in fieldwork, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment