Tag Archives: Gavin Brooks


Celebrating ‘digital’ at Reading

We still have a few places available for our showcase event ‘Digitally Ready: Celebrating our achievements’ which will take place next Monday, 15 April 11.00 am to 2.30 pm. As the DigitallyRead More…


Progress with Digitally Ready: top down, bottom up

Last week, we invited our colleagues here at Reading for a lunchtime Show & TEL on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ – a chance to find out more about some of our digitalRead More…


Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready

Digitally Ready requests the pleasure of your company at our lunchtime ‘Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready’ on 1 March, 12.30–2.00 here at Reading. This session is open to all Reading staffRead More…


Changing the Learning Landscape at Reading

Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell has been hosting his fourth series of talks to staff here at Reading, inviting one of the University’s senior managers to provide a short update on their areaRead More…