Are we ‘Digitally Ready’ yet?
At 10am on Monday the JISC funded Digitally Ready project group, which broadcasts its progress via a blog and Twitter, met for an evaluation of project progress. A new emphasis for futureRead More…
At 10am on Monday the JISC funded Digitally Ready project group, which broadcasts its progress via a blog and Twitter, met for an evaluation of project progress. A new emphasis for futureRead More…
Ever since Neil Morris’ research seminar in November on ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff and students in Higher Education’, his name has been cropping up again and again in my conversationsRead More…
The University of Reading is part of a three-year Higher Education Academy (HEA)-funded project considering the use of technology in fieldwork to enhance student learning: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning. The project team, whichRead More…
In attempting to write this blog post to sum up what 2012 has meant for Digitally Ready, the JISC-funded project here at the University of Reading to support staff and students inRead More…
Neil Morris, author of Study Skills Connected, a new book on using technology to support Teaching & Learning, visited Reading last week to speak about ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff andRead More…
This one-day event took place on 19 July and brought together staff with an interest in using digital technologies in innovative ways, to share good practice and encourage discussion around digital issues (fullRead More…