Tag Archives: Sir David Bell KCB


Celebrating ‘digital’ at Reading

We still have a few places available for our showcase event ‘Digitally Ready: Celebrating our achievements’ which will take place next Monday, 15 April 11.00 am to 2.30 pm. As the DigitallyRead More…


Changing the Learning Landscape at Reading

Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell has been hosting his fourth series of talks to staff here at Reading, inviting one of the University’s senior managers to provide a short update on their areaRead More…


Academic publishing and interviewing: first steps

I took my first steps into the world of academic writing and publishing last week when my supervisor informed me that we are going to submit my work on the Modular TrainingRead More…


Digitally Ready for 2013

In attempting to write this blog post to sum up what 2012 has meant for Digitally Ready, the JISC-funded project here at the University of Reading to support staff and students inRead More…


Placement showcase: Rachel Glover

Subscribers of this blog will have followed the adventures of our placement student, the fabulous Rachel Glover, who has been working with us since June on the student employability aspects of theRead More…


Placement showcase: Carrie Philp

Continuing my placement showcase series, I interviewed Carrie Philp about her experiences during her UROP placement and how she used social media to recruit students for her project. A third year PsychologyRead More…


Digitally Ready for the Future: Sharing Good Practice

This one-day event took place on 19 July and brought together staff with an interest in using digital technologies in innovative ways, to share good practice and encourage discussion around digital issues (fullRead More…