What do I ne
ed to know?
The Eduroam Wi-Fi security certificate has been renewed, which in some cases requires re-authentication (i.e. put in your password) when you connect for the first time.
What do I need to do?
If you are using Wi-Fi on campus for the first time after 15/12/23 and you are having issues connecting, you should “forget” the Eduroam Wi-Fi network on your device and then re-join Eduroam, re-entering your username and password (particularly iOS users). If you get a message e.g. “Do you want to accept this new certificate”, please accept the new certificate.
If forget and re-join doesn’t work, please go to wifi.reading.ac.uk and download a new certificate for your device before connecting (you may need to use mobile data to do this if you have no other connections available to you).
Further help
If you still can’t get on to Wi-Fi, please visit our Service Desk on the first floor in the Library at Whiteknights where we can help in person. Alternatively, raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk.