15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
There was a major power outage on campus this morning, affecting two key server rooms. This resulted in the loss of most of the IT services on campus. The majorityContinue reading 15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
There was a major power outage on campus this morning, affecting two key server rooms. This resulted in the loss of most of the IT services on campus. The majorityContinue reading 15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
We have received reports of a new spam email being delivered to staff and student University email accounts. This is not an official email and could damage your computer and put your filesContinue reading 12:00 01/04/16 New spam email alert
There are currently major interruptions to all IT services due to power outages across campus – updates to follow.
Dear Colleagues, As part of IT’s programme of operational improvements, I am pleased to inform you that from 11 April a new system for the creation, management and control ofContinue reading 15:00 22/03/16 User Account Management – Important changes
We have received reports of a new spam email being delivered to staff and student University email accounts. This is not an official email and could damage your computer and put your filesContinue reading 12:00 04/03/16 New Spam Email report
UPDATE (09:20 04/03/16) The peak in traffic has now subsided and service should be back to normal. We are receiving some reports that the RISIS portal is running slowly due toContinue reading 15:00 03/03/16 – Issue with RISIS portal
We are currently experiencing a number of technical issues with the Meteorology web server which is causing disruption to many sites hosted on that server. We are conscious of theContinue reading 11:55 03/03/2016 Critical issues affecting web services in Meteorology
Dear Colleagues, As you will be aware there have been regular interruptions to the Agresso service over the last few months. These have been caused by issues within the overallContinue reading 10:05 01/03/16 Agresso interruptions – incoming fix
Dear Colleagues, We have recently seen an increase in malicious spam emails with attachments containing ‘ransomware’. This is very serious and if you open the attachment it can cause aContinue reading 14:00 17/02/16 Increase in malicious spam emails – Please be vigilant!
This morning a small number of UoR websites were slow to connect to. Users reported that they could get through to the sites but after a longer wait than usual. ThisContinue reading 11:25 12/02/16 Latency issues with UoR websites