- Inocybe geophylla var.lilacina , Lilac Fibrecap
- Bulgaria inquinans, Bachelor’s Buttons
- Tremella foliacea Leafy Brain Fungus
- Field Blewit
- Xylaria hypoxylon, candle snuff fungus
- Gymnopus peronatus from below
- Gymnopus peronatus – caps 8-10cm diameter
- Ramaria stricta or similar
- Ramaria stricta or similar
- Helvella crispa White Saddle
- Helvella crispa White Saddle
- Leratiomyces ceres (Redlead Roundhead)
- Leratiomyces ceres (Redlead Roundhead)
- Chlorophyllum rhacodes Shaggy Parasol
- Coprinopsis picaceus, the magpie inkcap showing the typically dark cap with white patches. this toadstool is in advanced stages of liquefaction.
- Coprinopsis picaceus, the magpie inkcap showing the typically dark cap with white patches in this young toadstool.
- Psathyrella conopilus
- Pholiota sp.
- Pholiota sp.
- Mycena sp.
- Amanita rubescens Blusher
- Hypholoma fasciculare?
- Russula sp. cap
- Russula sp. underside
- Mycena sp.
- A common bracket fungus, Trametes versicolour, the many zoned polypore or Turkeytail.
- Young growths that might be Stereum gausapatum, a small bracket said to bleed red if damaged.
- A very bright yellow bracket, Stereum hirsutum known as the hairy stereum
- Birch polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) on a decaying birch (Betula) trunk. Underside showing white porous flesh
- Birch polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) on a decaying birch (Betula) trunk. An unusually wavy specimen.
- Birch polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) on a decaying birch (Betula) trunk. A common and typical bracket fungus.
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