Total = 230. Click on species name for image or see photo gallery.
Hepialidae | Hepialus lupulinus | Common Swift |
Nepticulidae | Ectoedemia heringella | New Holm Oak miner |
Nepticulidae | Stigmella aurella | Golden Pigmy |
Nepticulidae | Stigmella floslactella | Coarse Hazel Pigmy |
Nepticulidae | Stigmella microtheriella | Nut-tree Pigmy |
Nepticulidae | Stigmella luteella | |
Incurvariidae | Incurvaria masculella | Feathered Bright |
Adelidae | Nematapogon swamardarmella | |
Adelidae | Nematopogon schwarziellus | |
Adelidae | Nemophora degeerella | Yellow-barred Long-horn |
Adelidae | Adela reaumurella | Green Long-horn |
Adelidae | Adela fibulella | Little Long-horn |
Zygaenidae | Zygaena filipendulae | Six-spot Burnet |
Psychidae | Psyche casta | Common Sweep |
Tineidae | Tinea pellionella | Case-bearing Clothes Moth |
Lyonetiidae | Lyonetia clerkella | Apple Leaf Miner |
Gracillariidae | Caloptilia elongella | Pale Red Slender |
Gracillariidae | Caloptilia betulicola | Caloptilia sp. |
Gracillariidae | Aspilapteryx tringipennella | Ribwort Slender |
Gracillariidae | Phyllonorycter messaniella | |
Gracillariidae | Phyllonorycter coryli | Nut Leaf Blister Moth |
Gracillariidae | Phyllonorycter quinnata | Dark Hornbeam Midget |
Gracillariidae | Phyllonorycter platanoidella | White-bodied Midget |
Gracillariidae | Cameraria ohridella | Horse Chestnut Leaf-miner |
Sesiidae | Bembecia ichnumoniformis | Six-Belted Clearwing |
Choreutidae | Anthophila fabriciana | Nettle Tap |
Glyphipterigidae | Glyphipterix simpliciella | Cocksfoot Moth |
Glyphipterigidae | Glyphipterix fuscoviridella | Plain Fanner |
Yponomeutidae | Yponomeuta evonymella | Bird-cherry Ermine |
Yponomeutidae | Paraswammerdamia nebulella | |
Yponomeutidae | Cedestis gysseleniella | |
Ypsolophidae | Ypsolopha ustella | |
Oecophoridae | Batia unitella | |
Oecophoridae | Hofmannophila pseudospretella | Brown House Moth |
Oecophoridae | Esperia sulphurella | |
Oecophoridae | Carcina quercana | |
Oecophoridae | Diurnea fagella | March Tubic |
Oecophoridae | Agonopterix heracliana | |
Gelechiidae | Stenolechia gemmella | |
Gelechiidae | Teleiodes luculella | |
Gelechiidae | Bryotropha domestica | |
Gelechiidae | Dichomeris marginella | Juniper Webber |
Blastobasidae | Blastobasis adustella | |
Momphidae | Mompha langiella | |
Momphidae | Mompha langiella | |
Momphidae | Mompha jurassicella | Scarce Cosmet |
Momphidae | Mompha epilobiella | |
Tortricidae | Agapeta hamania | |
Tortricidae | Pandemis corylana | Chequered Fruit-free Tortrix |
Tortricidae | Pandemis cerasana | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix |
Tortricidae | Archips xylosteana | Variegated Golden Tortrix |
Tortricidae | Clepsis spectrana | Cyclamen Tortrix |
Tortricidae | Clepsis consimilana | Privet Twist |
Tortricidae | Epiphyas postvittana | Light Brown Apple Moth |
Tortricidae | Lozotaenia forsterana | Large Ivy Twist |
Tortricidae | Epagoge grotiana | Brown-barred Twist |
Tortricidae | Pseudargyrotoza conwagana | |
Tortricidae | Tortrix viridana | Green Oak Tortrix |
Tortricidae | Acleris forsskaleana | |
Tortricidae | Acleris sparsana | |
Tortricidae | Acleris ferrugana | |
Tortricidae | Acleris kochiella | |
Tortricidae | Acleris cristana | Rufous-margined Button Moth |
Tortricidae | Acleris literana | Lichen Button |
Tortricidae | Celypha striana | Barred Marble |
Tortricidae | Apotomis Betuletana | |
Tortricidae | Rhyacionia pinicolana | Orange-spotted Shoot |
Tortricidae | Cydia fagiglandana | |
Tortricidae | Cydia splendana | |
Tortricidae | Pammene aurana | |
Crambidae | Chrysoteuchia culmella | Garden Grass Veneer |
Crambidae | Crambus pascuella | |
Crambidae | Agriphila straminella | |
Crambidae | Agriphila tristella | |
Crambidae | Agriphila geniculea | |
Crambidae | Catoptria falsella | Chequered Grass Veneer |
Crambidae | Pediasia contaminella | |
Crambidae | Eudonia mercurella | |
Crambidae | Pyrausta aurata | Small Purple & Gold |
Crambidae | Phlyctaenia coronata | |
Crambidae | Udea olivalis | |
Crambidae | Udea ferrugalis | Rusty Dot Pearl |
Crambidae | Pleuroptya ruralis | Mother Of Pearl |
Pyralidae | Hypsopygia costalis | Gold Triangle |
Pyralidae | Hypsopygia glaucinalis | Double-striped Tabby |
Pyralidae | Endotricha flammealis | |
Pyralidae | Aphomia sociella | Bee Moth |
Pyralidae | Ephestia parasitella | |
Pterophoridae | Amblyptilia acanthadactyla | Beautiful Plume |
Pterophoridae | Emmelina monodactyla | Common Plume |
Lasiocampidae | Poecilocampa populi | December Moth |
Drepanidae | Watsonalla binaria | Oak Hook-tip |
Thyatiridae | Habrosyne pyritoides | Buff Arches |
Thyatiridae | Polyploca ridens | Frosted Green |
Geometridae | Alsophila aescularia | March Moth |
Geometridae | Comibaena bajularia | Blotched Emerald |
Geometridae | Cyclophora punctaria | Maiden’s Blush |
Geometridae | Idaea rusticata | Least Carpet |
Geometridae | Idaea biselata | Small Fan-Footed Wave |
Geometridae | Idaea fuscovenosa | Dwarf Cream Wave |
Geometridae | Idaea dimidiata | Single-dotted Wave |
Geometridae | Idaea trigeminata | Treble-brown spot |
Geometridae | Idaea aversata | Riband Wave |
Geometridae | Xanthorhoe designata | Flame Carpet |
Geometridae | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | Red Twin-spot Carpet |
Geometridae | Xanthorhoe montanata | Silver Ground Carpet |
Geometridae | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | Garden Carpet |
Geometridae | Camptogramma bilineata | Yellow Shell |
Geometridae | Ecliptopera silaceata | Small Phoenix |
Geometridae | Chloroclysta siterata | Red-Green Carpet |
Geometridae | Chloroclysta truncata | Common Marbled Carpet |
Geometridae | Thera firmata | Pine Carpet |
Geometridae | Thera obeliscata | Grey Pine Carpet |
Geometridae | Colostygia pectinataria | Green Carpet |
Geometridae | Hydriomena furcata | July Highflyer |
Geometridae | Hydriomena impluviata | May Highflier |
Geometridae | Operophtera fagata | Northern Winter Moth |
Geometridae | Perizoma alchemillata | Small Rivulet |
Geometridae | Eupithecia exiquata | Mottled Pug |
Geometridae | Eupithecia pygmaeata | Marsh Pug |
Geometridae | Eupithecia centaureata | Lime-speck Pug |
Geometridae | Eupithecia vulgata | Common Pug |
Geometridae | Eupithecia abbreviata | Brindled Pug |
Geometridae | Eupithecia dodoneata | Oak-tree Pug |
Geometridae | Chloroclystis v-ata | V-pug |
Geometridae | Euchoeca nebulata | Dingy Shell |
Geometridae | Acasis viretata | Yellow-barred Brindle |
Geometridae | Abraxas grossulariata | The Magpie |
Geometridae | Lomaspilis marginata | Clouded Border |
Geometridae | Ligdia adustata | Scorched Carpet |
Geometridae | Petrophora chlorosata | Brown Silver-line |
Geometridae | Opisthograptis luteolata | Brimstone Moth |
Geometridae | Ennomos fuscantaria | Dusky Thorn |
Geometridae | Ennomos erosaria | September Thorn |
Geometridae | Selenia dentaria | Early Thorn |
Geometridae | Crocallis elinguaria | Scalloped Oak |
Geometridae | Colotois pennaria | Feathered Thorn |
Geometridae | Phigalia pilosaria | Pale Brindled Beauty |
Geometridae | Biston strataria | Oak Beauty |
Geometridae | Biston betularia | Peppered Moth |
Geometridae | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | Willow Beauty |
Geometridae | Alcis repandata | Mottled Beauty |
Geometridae | Cabera pusaria | Common White Wave |
Geometridae | Pasiphila rectangulata | Green Pug |
Geometridae | Campaea margaritata | Light Emerald |
Geometridae | Hylaea fasciaria | Barred Red |
Sphingidae | Mimas tiliae | Lime Hawk-moth |
Sphingidae | Laothoe populi | Poplar Hawk-moth |
Sphingidae | Deilephila elpenor | Elephant Hawk-moth |
Sphingidae | Deilephila porcellus | Small Elephant Hawk-moth |
Notodontidae | Phalera bucephala | Buff-tip |
Notodontidae | Cerura vinula | Puss Moth |
Notodontidae | Notodonta dromedarius | Iron Prominent |
Notodontidae | Pheosia tremula | Swallow Prominent |
Notodontidae | Ptilodon capucina | Coxcomb prominent |
Notodontidae | Pterostoma palpina | Pale Prominent |
Notodontidae | Drymonia ruficornis | Lunar Marbled Brown |
Notodontidae | Clostera curtula | Chocolate Tip |
Noctuidae | Orgyia antiqua | Vapourer |
Arctiidae | Eilema sororcula | Orange Footman |
Arctiidae | Eilema griseola | Dingy Footman |
Arctiidae | Eilema caniola | Hoary Footman |
Arctiidae | Eilema depressa | Buff Footman |
Arctiidae | Eilema lurideola | Common Footman |
Arctiidae | Spilosoma lubricipeda | White Ermine |
Arctiidae | Diaphora mendica | Muslin Moth |
Arctiidae | Phragmatobia fuliginosa | Ruby Tiger |
Nolidae | Nola confusalis | Least Black Arches |
Noctuidae | Agrotis clavis | Heart & Club |
Noctuidae | Agrotis exclamatoionis | Heart and Dart |
Noctuidae | Agrotis puta | Shuttle-shaped Dart |
Noctuidae | Axylia putris | The Flame |
Noctuidae | Ochropleura plecta | Flame Shoulder |
Noctuidae | Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Noctua comes | Lesser Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Noctua fimbriata | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Noctua janthe | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Noctua interjecta | Least Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Diarsia mendica | Ingrailed Clay |
Noctuidae | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot |
Noctuidae | Xestia c-nigrum | Setaceous Hebrew Character |
Noctuidae | Xestia xanthographa | Square-Spot Rustic |
Noctuidae | Lacanobea oleracea | Bright-line Brown-eye |
Noctuidae | Hecatera bicolorata | Broad-barred White |
Noctuidae | Panolis flammea | Pine Beauty |
Noctuidae | Orthosia cruda | Small Quaker |
Noctuidae | Orthosia cerasi | Common Quaker |
Noctuidae | Orthosia incerta | Clouded Drab |
Noctuidae | Orthosia munda | Twin-Spotted Quaker |
Noctuidae | Orthosia gothica | Hebrew Character |
Noctuidae | Mythimna ferrago | The Clay |
Noctuidae | Mythimna vitellina | The Delicate |
Noctuidae | Mythimna pallens | Common Wainscot |
Noctuidae | Aporophyla nigra | Black Rustic |
Noctuidae | Lithophane leautieri | Blair’s Shoulder-knot |
Noctuidae | Xylocampa areola | Early Grey |
Noctuidae | Allophyes oxyacanthae | Green-brindled Crescent |
Noctuidae | Dichonia aprilina | Merville Du Jour |
Noctuidae | Agrochola circellaris | The Brick |
Noctuidae | Agrochola macilenta | Yellow-line Quaker |
Noctuidae | Agrochola lychnidis | Beaded Chestnut |
Noctuidae | Omphaloscelis lunosa | Lunar Underwing |
Noctuidae | Xanthia aurago | Barred Sallow |
Noctuidae | Xanthia togata | Pink-Barred Sallow |
Noctuidae | Acronicta alni | Alder Moth |
Noctuidae | Acronicta psi | Grey Dagger |
Noctuidae | Acronicta rumicis | Knot Grass |
Noctuidae | Craniophora liqustri | Coronet |
Noctuidae | Cryphia domestica | Marbled Beauty |
Noctuidae | Amphipyra pyramidea | Copper Underwing |
Noctuidae | Mormo maura | Old Lady |
Noctuidae | Phlogophora meticulosa | Angle Shades |
Noctuidae | Apamea monoglypha | Dark Arches |
Noctuidae | Apamea sublustris | Reddish Light Arches |
Noctuidae | Oligia fasciuncula | Middle-barred Minor |
Noctuidae | Rhizedra lutosa | Large Wainscot |
Noctuidae | Charancya trigrammica | Treble Lines |
Noctuidae | Hoplodrina alsines | Uncertain |
Noctuidae | Hoplodrina ambigua | Vine’s Rustic |
Noctuidae | Caradrina morpheus | Mottled Rustic |
Noctuidae | Caradrina clavipalpis | Pale Mottled Willow |
Noctuidae | Panemeria tenebrata | Small Yellow Underwing |
Noctuidae | Colcasia coryli | Nut-tree Tussock |
Noctuidae | Autographa gamma | Silver Y |
Noctuidae | Abrostola triplasia | Spectacle |
Noctuidae | Euclidia glyphica | Burnet companion |
Noctuidae | Scoliopteryx libatrix | The Herald |
Noctuidae | Laspeyria flexula | Beautiful Hook-tip |
Noctuidae | Rivula cericealis | Straw Dot |
Noctuidae | Hypena proboscidalis | The Snout |
Noctuidae | Zanclognatha tasipennalis | Fan-foot |
Noctuidae | Herminia grisealis | Small Fan-foot |