Category Archives: Orchidaceae

Bees in the grass

Every one loves bees these days and pretty much everyone loves bee orchids (Ophrys apifera) too! The University of Reading campus is no exception and there is a small population flourishing in purposefully unmown grass opposite the Hopkins Building and … Continue reading

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Ophrys apifera – the Bee orchid – in flower now

Posted in Flowering Plants, Orchidaceae, Phenology, Plants | 3 Comments

More orchids on campus

The recent BioBlitz drew attention to the orchid species on campus; including Bee Orchids, Pyramidal Orchids and the recently discovered White Helleborine.  A further species is the Broad-leaved Helleborine of which there is a small but healthy population growing under … Continue reading

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Bee Orchids on campus

The Bee Orchids (Ophrys apifera) are flowering once more in the lawn outside the RSSL building just down the road from the Harborne Building.  Five flowering spikes noted so far and hopefully the relaxed mowing regime will allow them to … Continue reading

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BioBlitz vascular plant species quiz…and the winner is…

Question: How many vascular plant species were recorded on campus during the 24 hours of the University of Reading BioBlitz 2013? Well the records have now all been submitted and checked and here at Whiteknights Biodiversity  Dr M is proud to announce … Continue reading

Posted in Meetings/Events, News, Orchidaceae, Plants, Surveys | 3 Comments

The Pink Pyramid of Whiteknights

The Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis), see image 1, has been found on campus (2012), near the NNE end of the Chemistry building. This is a rare sight on the Whiteknights campus, of what is one of the more visible, common and identifiable orchids found in the … Continue reading

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Beautifully Bizarre Bee Orchids

Recently rediscovered on campus, sprouting through building works, the fabulously exotic flowers of Ophrys apifera conjure up images of sun-bathing pink-winged bumblebees on a stalk. Also known as the bee orchid, it is a member of the family Orchidaceae. Appearing … Continue reading

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