Tag Archives: Diptera

The Hornet Hoverfly- Volucella zonaria

There is no need to be alarmed the Hornet Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria) is a harmless species. Although I will admit, in its outwards appearance, if you have never seen one before or happen to see it out of the corner of your eye, … Continue reading

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Ideal home or revolting distortion?

If you need a safe place to live, why not get a home built to your own specifications? That’s what the larvae of Dasineura sisymbrii, a kind of gall midge do. The presence of the larvae amongst the developing flower buds … Continue reading

Posted in Brassicaceae, Flowering Plants, Galls, Insects, Plant Pathology Research Group, Plants | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Rusts affect weeds as well as crops!

A species of plant that is present on campus in greater numbers this year is Black bindweed, Fallopia convolulus. It has appeared in quite large numbers behind the Agriculture Buildings and also around the Harborne Building.

Posted in Animals, Flowering Plants, Fungi, Insects, Plant Pathology Research Group, Plants, Polygonaceae | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment