This term’s Research Seminars in the Department of Classics

Department of Classics research seminars, spring term 2019

Unless otherwise stated, all seminars are at 4 pm on Wednesday afternoon, in Edith Morley G25.  There are light refreshments afterwards in Edith Morley G40.  Everyone welcome.

23rd Jan.          Paul Christesen (Dartmouth College): “Spartans Living the Good Life? Luxury, Leisure, and Austerity in Ancient Sparta.”
30th Jan.          Sara Monoson (Northwestern): “Grieving Soldiers and Displaced Persons: Another Look at the Exile of Poetry in Plato’s Republic.” (This seminar begins at 5 pm.)
6th Feb.           Reading Classical Association lecture. Katherine Southwood (St. John’s College, Oxford): “Illness and the Quest for Meaning: Moralising Explanations of Bodily Dysfunction in Job and the Psalms.” (This event begins at 5 pm.)
13th Feb.         Mai Musie (Oxford): “Persian Eunuchs in the Greek Novel?”
(No seminar in week 6 of term.)
27th Feb.         Erica Rowan (Royal Holloway): “Tough To Get It Right: An Exploration of Roman Food Culture.”

6th Mar.          Naomi Carless Unwin (Warwick): “The Spectacle of Procession: Epigraphic Insights into Festival Culture in the Graeco-Roman East.”
13th Mar.        Richard Parkinson (Oxford): “Moments of Identification: LGBTQ+ History and Heritage?”  (This seminar begins at 3:30 pm.)
20th Mar.        Juliane Zachhuber (Reading): “The Lindians and Their Athena-sanctuary: Defining Changing Local Religious Identities in Space and Epigraphy.”


Enquiries should be directed to the Head of Department, Dr Emma Aston:

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